Open Access
Open-Access Policy
JOMAse is fully committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that all published content is freely and permanently accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world, without subscription or payment barriers. This commitment facilitates the broadest possible dissemination of research, promoting global knowledge exchange and innovation.
Policy Overview
JOMAse holds the copyright to all articles published in the journal. However, to promote open access, all articles are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license allows readers and researchers to freely read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, and to use them for any non-commercial purpose, as long as proper credit is given to the original authors and JOMAse as the source.
Immediate Access
All articles published in JOMAse are available immediately upon publication, with no embargo period. This ensures that research findings are promptly accessible to the academic community and the public.
Journal's Rights and Author Permissions
While JOMAse holds the copyright, authors are granted significant rights under the CC BY-NC license. Authors are permitted to share, distribute, and reproduce their work in any medium for non-commercial purposes. They may also deposit their articles in institutional repositories, personal websites, or other open-access platforms, provided that the original publication in JOMAse is properly cited.
Non-Commercial Use
The CC BY-NC license restricts the use of published content for commercial purposes. Any commercial use of the content requires prior written permission from JOMAse.
Long-Term Accessibility
JOMAse is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of its content. The journal partners with reputable archiving services to ensure that all published articles remain accessible to readers and researchers in the future.
Promotion of Open Science
In support of open science, JOMAse encourages authors to share their data, methods, and other research-related materials. By promoting transparency and reproducibility, JOMAse aims to enhance the credibility and impact of the research it publishes.