Designing of Inverse Taper Wind Turbine Blade for Pekanbaru Wind Speed Condition
Wind energy as one of renewable energy resource has a great potential to solve the problem of dependency on fossil fuels, especially in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Pekanbaru wind speed condition which is considered relatively low can be harnessed efficiently by designing blades which suits wind condition in Pekanbaru. Blades are designed using aerodynamic equations and software assistance such as Microsoft Excel, Qblade, and Autodesk Inventor. As a result, the blades can generate mechanical power at low wind speeds with a radius 1.1 m and hub 0.2 m and the chord length at the base of the blade 0.13 m and at the tip 0.26 with twist angle at the base of the blade 20.4ï‚° and at the tip 5.6ï‚°. The result of this research is to show that the inverse taper blade design is applicable in low wind speed conditions in order to produce an affordable, compact, and efficient wind turbine appropriate for wind characteristic in Pekanbaru.
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