Marine renewable energy has considerable resources in the world’s future energy system. Marine renewable energy attracts many developers and researchers around the world aimed reducing carbon emission and enhancing blue economy. To promote the development of marine renewable energy, its devices need to endure facing aggressive and corrosive marine environment. Corrosion is an important issue in marine environment. Corrosion can cause structural deterioration in the main component structure of marine renewable energy devices, such as turbine. Corrosion has been studied for many years, and this paper focuses to review about the most possible types of corrosion, factor affecting corrosion, method of corrosion identification, and corrosion presence in marine renewable energy device. Study work in corrosion of marine renewable energy is recommended in order to assess failure and increase the lifetime of marine renewable energy device itself.
Faculty of Engineering, BINUS University, Jakarta, Indonesia
DKI Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia which is a pusta of every activity of government and society. With a high level of density, local governments in Jakarta are eager to engage in sustainable concepts with the reclamation of the bay of Jakarta. As is known, the implementation of this concept is not easy, but there is resistance from the community. This paper discusses the impacts of the reclamation on the environment and community life in Jakarta. The study founded that the impact of reclamation may higher than the benefit given to the societies due to possibility serious impacts caused by the reclamation as follows: Shifting shoreline approximately 5 km toward the bay, Blockage of River Mouth, Declining Tidal Volume and Self-Purification, Dead Theme Parks, Deceleration of River Flows, Siltation of the River and the Mouth of the River Crossing Fluid Flow, Hydrodynamic Flow of seawater will be disrupted, Increase intensity of Floods around Jakarta, High Cost of Dredging, Marine Pollutions, Fishermen Loss of Livelihood Increase Criminal Acts.
Ocean and Aerospace Engineering Research Institute, Pekanbaru Indonesia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia